Sunday, July 31, 2011

“Each generation thinks that they have made progress and that their life is better than the way people lived in the past”

Superficially looking at the above statement, I would agree in terms of as the generations increase, so does the progress in contemporary technology. The world has progressed to a high-tech, modern society with fancy gadgets that have proven to be both to our benefit and largely to our detriment. Yes, we live more comfortably now, but there was something about the way people went about their lives in the past that you can’t even hope to come across in the 21st century.
The dilemma with our generation is that we live a contradictory life and have gotten impatient beyond imagination. What with the fast food revolution, the high-speed internet and the Blackberrys- that may I add, once upon a time, merely used to be fruits- we find it so hard to even wait in a queue for a few minutes. We throw bad temper and get annoyed if the internet becomes slow for a few seconds. And I speak for myself here as well. With the entire world on our fingertips, we want it all and we want it now. Our attitudes are strengthening downwards and we’ve become too narrow-minded about everything. What we see on the news is what we believe. Without giving it a second thought, without taking a backward glance, we give them permission to brainwash us.
We live luxuriously, yet we want more.
 With advanced technology, one would think that we’re happy, but no, the people in the past were so much more at ease. They might’ve not had the luxury that very much seems to govern our lives, but I can promise that they were definitely happier with what they had.
We have science, and we have technology, but we’re lacking the simple yet essential ingredients of happiness.
We’re empty inside, and therefore buy every attempt to fill that gaping hole in our lives. Suicide rates are higher now than they were ever before. Why? We ruined our economy and brought it to its downfall with our own hands…our own self-seeking hands. We’ll never be satisfied by looking on the outside and this want for more will be the death of us.
It’s thrilling that information is more accessible and quick to get to, but what happens when we use these mediums to spread lies and false information? What about the fact that it is killing us and making us more intolerant by the second, and even though we may be more educated than the people in the past, we have to face the reality that we have more problems and doubts. Problems which won’t be fully answered, and if they will, will only give way to new ones. We’re convinced that we’re successful as we have our calendars overflowing with events, but when did we ever take out the time to get to know our neighbor?
Religion, morality and values, it seems, are things of the past; we’ve lost all sense and direction and pushed them aside, something to be dealt with later. In the future, as we progress more, we will only become worse. And instead of the future looking bright, from what most of us are seeing, it looks pretty harsh unless we actually get off our laziness  and do something about it- however seemingly insignificant it may seem.
It starts from within you and I

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